However, after one of these days, my house looks as if a hurricane has ripped through it. So, I declared that evening that Mommy was not going to do the clean-up alone. So, Mommy quickly finished her duties and retired to the couch. As the clean up continued, she heard the tones of what appeared to be a stressed out drill sergeant barking “Ok, get that one in the basket. Now that one. Come on. Faster.” This went on for about a minute when I absentmindedly spoke out, “It’s ok Tony. Just let her go at her pace. She is taking away from her tv or playtime if it takes a long time.” Well, the intent with which that comment came out was not what was received. Mommy, type A, control freak, had once again butted in where she didn’t belong. STRIKE ONE
Bedtime came and it was Daddy’s turn to read. Did I ever mention, my daughter has been in a never-ending “Mommy’s girl” phase? It makes bedtime twice as hard for my angel of a husband. Last night was no different. During the first phase (first book read, potty and teeth brushing), I escaped for a nice hot bath. I couldn’t hear a thing. I settled into bed to watch reality tv and I begin to hear “What are you doing, come here…where are you?” As the inquiries drone on, my little one pops into our room for her good night kiss; this always follows phase one. However, the inquiries are getting louder and I haven’t had the chance to give the hug and kiss so I loudly exclaim “Tony, she hasn’t gotten her kiss yet. Can you wait a minute?” It probably came out more aggravated than meant. And, then it was as if the umpire shouted…STRIKE TWO. I hear the grumbling from the other room. Unbeknown to me, my little sweetie had been messing around for several minutes in the family room before coming for a kiss and type A had once again negated “Daddy.”
Luckily, I did not hit a strike three last night. I immediately went after the bedtime ritual to apologize. My husband was slightly annoyed and despite my best defense, he declared “you know, you are the boss of this household. And that is ok. But, with that job comes quite a bit of responsibility and decision making.” Hmmm.. ok.
Now, I know that I am a bit of a boss. It didn’t sound too good when he said it and I was taken back to an hour earlier in the evening. Right before Phase I, I decided to open up one of those sweet little applications I am invited to join several times per day on Facebook and found myself taking the Myers Brigg personality profile test. I have taken the test before and, I have always known that I was one Extraverted, Intuitive, Judging individual. (Translation: In Your Face, Know It All, My Way or the Highway, Bossy – Well, You Can Guess the Rest. A bit hard to swallow, huh?) But I always had that F in there for feeling. (ENFJ) I could always justify my, ahem, take charge persona knowing that I balanced it with a true regard for others. But, now that “F” had turned into a “T” – thinking, which meant that I was not only the In Your Face, Know it All, My way or the Highway, Bossy, You Can Guess the Rest, but I had also left all consideration of feelings to relying upon the cold hard facts – and oh my gosh, I’m now an In Your Face, Know it All, My Way or the Highway, Bossy, Just the Cold Hard Facts, Well You Can Guess the Rest…. Whew, how will I live with myself?
Luckily, I take these things with a grain of salt. I mean after all, the “What Drink Are You” test declared that I am a “wine cooler” when I know for certain I am at least an “apple martini with a special sour apple candy ring at the bottom" gal. Cheers! Oh and btw, ENTJs are supposed to be great leaders both at work and at home. I wonder if I can convince my wonderful husband that I am not being bossy, but simply demonstrating my leadership capabilities? Smile.
What does your personality profile say about you?
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