Tuesday, March 10, 2009

20 to 40 with Casanova 9.0 and Wall Street 2.0

This weekend, we went to Vail. For those of you unfamiliar with Vail, it is one of the “THE” destinations for skiing. Great mountains, great snow, great food and quite the scene.

Our Saturday started out like most when we are in the mountains. A “discussion” with our daughter about ski school. We, like many CO parents, want our child to love skiing. I think at times we are under the impression that she was born with skis on her feet. A bit unrealistic but nonetheless. That morning, we partook in the usual encouragement to get her to promise to stay all day in school. The rewards: a donut and a dip in the hotel swimming pool. After a few sniffles, she went forward with the instructor and we did not get a “dreaded” call all day.

We took a sigh of relief, quickly donned our skis and headed for the gondola. We had perfect timing – blue-suited ski instructors were corralling their charges in as well and we were ushered in with a small group of two instructors and three young boys for our ascent up the mountain.

It was quickly apparent that we were not in the company of three “normal” 8 and 9 year old boys. The minute the gondola doors closed, cell phones popped out and a French-accented “Check out my new I-Phone” reverberated in my ear. Now, I-phones are a hot topic in my house right now. My husband got one not long ago and has been known to approach strangers at birthday parties to show them the “coolest” features. When my phone literally fell apart a few weeks ago after being dropped probably one hundred times, I decided I would also join the I-brigade. Well, it was not to be. I had until July until my upgrade was available and $399 was not in the picture for me. So, we trotted over to Wal-Mart and I purchased a $19.99 Nokia which is working out just fine.

Anyway, I turned to see who was the owner of both the accent and the phone and was met with the eyes of an adorable child. Well, adorable is not quite the word. I think I was looking at Casanova as a 9 year old. This young man was short, dark and cute (not yet tall, dark and handsome) and was donned in the most premier of ski gear. He proceeded to pull out his Samsung Smartphone with his I-Phone and then explain to everyone in the gondola that these were two of his four phones. Two for France and two for the U.S. Ok, who was this kid? “Where are you from,” I inquired. No shyness here. “I was born in St. Tropez but I live in Miami Beach.” I then blurted out what was in my head (which often leads me to foot in mouth disease), “what child has four phones?” I looked to the ski instructors who were I think a bit amused by this whole interaction and asked them if they had I-Phones. I was hit with a “What do you think lady, we are snowboard instructors.” Ironic – snowboard instructors who hob-nobbed with the elite
every day but couldn’t afford an I-phone.

Back to Casanova. We kept chatting and I declared that my daughter was not going to have the latest phone technology at nine (I say this now). I was judging the kid a bit by this time (see my personality profile posted previously) until somehow the subject of my age arose. I told him I was old and he immediately slipped into the persona of a 25 year old. “No you are not.” I asked him just how old he thought I was and when he replied “24” with the ski instructors nodding (likely politely), I nearly bowled over. Until I remembered this was a clueless (although probably not) 9 year old child. I don’t remember much more of the conversation as I was back at “24” and loving it.

The story could easily end there but it doesn’t. We had a great morning of skiing – that
“24” put a “spring in my ski” and after an incident while traversing down what seemed to me to be an ice cliff but was merely a small icy hill (after which I had acquired two new bruises), we headed in for lunch.

The place was packed. So, after getting our $45 lunch (that is counter service for three of us) we settled in sharing a table with three guys. Another enlightening conversation. Turns out two of them were Wall Street casualties living off of severance and unemployment. They actually were doing rather well. One had just gotten a job so would be double dipping severance and salary for a while. I then inquired if they were married; “No, do you have any friends?” Well, I knew that I was beyond their years so once again I found myself replying “I’m old.” This was met with an interesting question from one of them. “Well, are we talking cougar here?” “Well, I am 40 now so…” “Yep, cougar it is.” Unbelievable, I had gone from a mid-twenties something to a cougar within a couple of hours.

Although I am not usually a “cup half full" kinda gal, I decided that I would dismiss the cougar remark and hang on to the 20s for the rest of the day. However, remember that “spring in my ski” – well that was gone. I took one giant catwalk down to the hotel after lunch and spent an hour napping before picking up my little sweetie from ski school. You can fool the mind but the body is a little harder. Just another cheers to turning 40!

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